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  • 正规翻译公司如何选?乐译通翻译帮您支招! 正规翻译公司如何选?乐译通翻译帮您支招! 2015-07-11


  • 第六届海峡两岸口译大赛公告 第六届海峡两岸口译大赛公告 2015-07-08


  • 李克强总理下乡关注学者译作 李克强总理下乡关注学者译作 2015-07-06

    林则徐曾在这儿出世,冰心曾在这儿长大,林觉民在《与妻书》中描述过这儿……坐落福建福州市的三坊七巷被誉为“近代名人聚居地”,从这儿走出过林则徐、沈葆桢、陈岱孙等大批在我国近现代前史上占有主要位置的人物。 4月24日,正在福建调查的国务院总理李克强特地来到三坊七巷,观赏严复新居。这是他这次调查的最终一站。李克强为何特意挑选严复新居,其间又讲了啥话,人民网随行记者为您独家解读。这儿有严复在京师大书院的相片吗?我插队时读过他翻译的《天演论》 占地609平方米的严复新居是一座标准的清式院落,有大厅、厢房,还有花厅和插屏门。不过,值得一提的是,这儿的花厅前后走廊和栏杆均仿西方修建纹饰。 这正像李克强对严复的评价,“放眼国际又葆有纯粹我国心”。说这番话时,一位5岁的小女子正由妈妈带着前来严复新居观赏。当被问到“严复是谁”时,小女子告诉总理:“严复是大校长!” 1902年,严复应邀出任京师大书院译书局总办。在京师大书院改名为北京大学后,他又担任北京大学校长,还创办了经济学系。而尽人皆知的是,李克强总理系北京大学法律系和经济学院经济学专业毕业。 4月24日上午9时许,李克强走进严复新居,还特意问是否有严复在京师大书院的相片。不仅如此,当工作人员介绍3说《政治学》等经典名著都由严复初次翻译引进国内。总理补充道:还有《国富论》和《论法的精力》。他指着展柜内的《天演论》说,严复的翻译确实做到了信、达、雅,这本书我插队时也读过。 福建应在推动新一轮高水平变革敞开、推进经济提质增效晋级中探究经历,表现演示股动效果 “每个我国人都应该记住严复。”李克强在严复新居门口对小女子说。他解说说,严复学贯中西,是第一批“放眼看国际”的我国人。他向国人翻译介绍西学,启蒙了几代我国人,一起又葆有一颗纯粹的“我国心”。 这番话在我国最早实施对外敞开的省份之一的福建说出别有深意。李克强乃至追溯前史:“当年咱们对外敞开福州即是五口互易商货之一,还孕育出了一批‘放眼看国际’的人!比方严复,今日咱们站的这个当地即是他的家园。” 这次调查,李克强第一站是刚刚挂牌的福建自贸试验区厦门片区,而收官之地是具有上百年前史的严复新居。无疑,“敞开”是其间的关键字,正如总理所说“变革会带来最大红利,敞开会开释无穷生机”的那样,李克强寄望福建先行先试,在推动新一轮高水平变革敞开、推进经济提质增效晋级中探究经历,表现演示股动效果。

  • 《道德经》原翻译作者是谁? 《道德经》原翻译作者是谁? 2015-07-06

    你知道在我国历史上,是谁第一个翻译了《道德经》,把它介绍到国外去的吗?你或许答不出。我来告诉你吧:是唐朝去西天取经的玄奘法师。玄奘(602-664)唐代僧侣。旅行家,佛经翻译家,法相宗创始人。被敬称“三藏法师”。俗姓陈,名祎。洛州缑氏(今河南偃师缑氏镇)人。13岁受度为僧,20岁受具足戒。贞观三年(629),玄奘脱离长安赴天竺,饱经险阻,贞观五年抵达中印度摩揭陀国王舍城,进入释教中心那烂陀寺,从戒贤受学。642年戒日王在曲女城为玄奘设无遮大会,名震五印。贞观十九年(645),玄奘回到长安,受到唐太宗接见, 住大慈恩寺,从事译经。他译了大量佛经,为何又把《道德经》译为梵文呢?那时印度闻名君王戒日王,是中印沟通史上的重要人物。从《法苑珠林》、《旧唐书·西戎》、《新唐书·西域上》等史料来看,641年到648年的八年间,戒日王三次派使臣到达我国,唐太宗也三次派使者回访印度,因此二人结下了深沉的友谊。戒日王和玄奘会晤,了解到唐太宗的为人,非常敬仰。《新唐书·西域上》:“会唐浮屠玄奘到其国,尸罗逸多召见曰:‘而国有圣人出,作《秦王破阵乐》,试为我言其为人。’玄奘鄙言太宗神武,平祸乱,四夷宾服状,王喜,曰:‘我当东面朝之。’”尸罗逸多即戒日王。两国通使下面略写两次。 643年阴历三月,唐太宗第2次派李义表出使,戒日王派大臣郊迎,倾城出观,焚香夹道,亲身率臣下东面拜肥敕书,复遣使献火珠及郁金香、菩提树。 648年,唐太宗第三次派王玄策出使,戒日王死,王玄策平定了阿罗那顺的暴乱。《旧唐书·西戎》:“五天竺所属之国数十,习俗物资略同。有伽没路国,其俗开东门以向日。王玄策至,其王发使贡以奇珍异物及地图,因请老子像及《道德经》。”应伽没路国国王请求,唐太宗就命通晓梵文又娴熟汉文的玄奘翻译《道德经》。玄奘就把《道德经》、《大乘起信论》译为梵文,传入印度。这大大地推动了中印文明沟通,其文明价值与历史意义是不可估量的。 唐太宗时,戒日王献上的珍贵礼品有菩提树。相传释迦牟尼曾坐此树下,顿悟佛道,故印度称“圣树”。1954年尼赫鲁总理访华时向毛泽东主席和周恩来总理赠送了菩提树,60多年过去了,这棵树已枝繁叶茂。 本年5月14日印度莫迪总理访华,首站西安,习近平主席伴随观赏,莫迪向大慈恩寺赠送了菩提苗木。从古至今,菩提树变成中印两国公民友爱的一个生动标志。习近平主席表明,玄奘法师回国后,就在这座大慈恩寺翻译佛经。大慈恩寺是中印悠长友爱往来的历史见证。我想,玄奘也是在这里翻译的《道德经》吧。 当我们听到习近平主席同印度莫迪总理在西安观赏的音讯时,感到欢天喜地。作为亳州涡阳老子故乡的公民,永久不会忘掉玄奘法师将《道德经》译成梵文传播到国外去的积德行善。他是让老子走向世界的第一人!

  • The Target with Zyori: “We live in exciting times for eSports" The Target with Zyori: “We live in exciting times for eSports" 2015-07-06

    The Target is a topic-of-the-day podcast sponsored by 2P and Hitbox and is gifted with the insight of professional players. This week's guest is Andrew 'Zyori' Campbell from Beyond the Summit with our host Sebastian “Heflamoke” Läger to lead the discussion about how he got into casting, entrepreneurship in eSports and the future of the streaming market. 0:20 Zyori’s own podcast: “I love this kind of content… I’ve always done my podcast to have a platform where I can bitch about the stuff that I can’t talk about on stream. I can’t talk about politics when I’m casting DotA!”1:50 Why Zyori: “I wanted an Asian sounding name because they are good at video games”4:40 Background and education: BSc in Entrepreneurship, practiced casting during time at college, effectively minored in Computer Science and did some programming work9:00 The road to eSports: degree helped a surprising amount. There are no general majors in eSports at college, but gives you the time to think about what you want to do; the basics of a business degree gave a foundation for Beyond the Summit and the decisions that are made everyday14:00 The Valve majors: still lots of question marks around them, there is a shifting model from advertising revenue to sponsorship, you have to play a heads-up game as new things are introduced18:00 How to get to TI as a caster/organisation: nobody knows what Valve’s formula is or even if they have a formula, with 4 TI’s they have the data to know what people like, they probably will continue to play it safe and choose people with a good track record20:20: Hosting or casting? “I really like hosting, doing interviews and podcasts. I’m an inquisitive person so I like asking people questions. But you can’t count on having enough hosting gigs to make a living”23:00 Thoughts on hosts from agencies: “I don’t think it’s a problem. It is a very competitive space in one of the most competitive areas of eSports”25:00 Zyori the professional traveller: “Give me a window seat on a 12 hour flight and I will not get up once”28:00 The podcast market in DotA: DotA community is very strange when it comes to fantasy leagues, the community has been cursed with a lack of consistent content, for BTS ‘In the Studio’ is a function of cost that was only made possible by 100TB39:00 The growth of eSports: there is a little bit of overhype, success requires practice and there is a lot of young talent that just needs to practice, the first two years sucked42:00 The streaming market: Twitch is the big dog, it is a good natural monopoly, they had the first mover advantage and since then it has just grown, YouTube is scary because of their reach54:00 The community factor: “Twitch is cool! The after parties are great and competitors have to recognise this.”58:00 Reddit Questions: Yoga pants or short shorts? Pick a hero? When did you go full eSports?1:00:00 Wrapping Up: “There is a lot of hard work and luck, but keep trying and you’ll get where you want to go”You can listen to the podcast on Soundcloud and iTunes as well!

  • Valve must set an example for visa applications Valve must set an example for visa applications 2015-07-06

    The International 5 prize pool has now reached over $15m, which makes it the biggest eSports tournament in terms of prize money ever by beating its own record that was set last year by TI4. Needless to say, TI is one of the most prestigious global eSports events.It sees the the top teams in the world compete to take the Aegis of Champions and be considered the best in the world. TI is the pinnacle of achievement for nearly every team and player. Naturally it is hugely competitive to even be invited to the regional qualifiers that happen months before the main event. But after a year of competing, practising and bootcamping to attend this coveted LAN, why is the biggest barrier to attendance turning out to be the location the event is held?Online video games originally brought people together. They united people across the world, breaking down language barriers and borders for anyone who was connected to the internet. Players could find teammates and friends from their computers without giving a second thought to whether the person on the other end was American, Chinese, Russian or anything else.However, over the last few years visa issues have been rebuilding the walls that separated gamers before the online international community really unified a generation. No matter how hard players work to qualify for a tournament, they may be still be thwarted by US immigration. The denial of US visa applications for TI are nothing new, but considering how established the eSports industry has become Valve should be making sure that players who have qualified for their tournament can make it to the venue that has been chosen.It recently came out that SoNNeikO had been denied a visa to the US two times in a row, which will put Na’Vi at a serious risk of not being able to compete at the event. Although it is unclear what would actually happen in the event of a player being denied entry to the US, it is a serious inconvenience to say the least. In the case of LAN events earlier this year, many teams were forced to withdraw completely due to visa issues.From Europe both Team Empire and Vega Squadron were unable to attend the JoinDOTA MLG Season 2 LAN Finals simply because they were denied visas. Similarly, Rave could not attend the event for the same reason. Also this year Mousesports could not make it to i-League and HellRaisers had to be replaced by Balkan Bears at the DotA 2 Champions League both because members of the team were not allowed permits to work in the respective countries.The reality for teams that are affected by these issues is that they miss out on a chance not only to win a chunk of often hefty prize pools, but also the chance to appear at prestigious international LAN events. The whole point of building a successful record for a team is being able to be recognised not just locally, but globally. Just because of the location of a LAN event, teams and players have been denied the chance to compete in front of the eyes of the world.When it comes to visas it is not like there has been total inaction in the world of eSports. In 2013 there were numerous reports of professional players being considered as athletes, allowing them to have the highly coveted 5 year work visa in the US. That is a significant change not only for the ease of players being able to compete internationally, but also to the status of ‘people who play video games for money’ to be recognised as professional athletes.Although the very first eSports athletes were only recognised 2 years ago, unfortunately it has not bucked the visa trend since it happened. One of the problems for DotA 2 is that the talks with the US government seemed to take place exclusively with League of Legends developer Riot. The talks certainly should have set a precedent for eSports generally, but DotA 2 players, teams and fans have not seen the benefit. Valve must take the lead on this issue.Particularly with the announcement of the DotA 2 Majors, it is Valve’s responsibility to make their position clear and fight more actively for recognition of eSports athletes and DotA as a professional sport. It is only with recognitions such as these that visa issues will become anomalies as opposed to one of the normal difficulties with attending a LAN.Clearly, it is difficult for smaller tournament organisers to make an impact on such issues, but if Valve set a firm example with the US government, then it would hopefully be a question of time as to when visa issues did not affect any league or tournament. It is the organisers who act as the players employers and so it is their responsibility to make clear that teams have a legitimate reason to be working in a foreign country. That is why, as the biggest DotA 2 tournament organiser there is, the burden is firmly with Valve to force change.