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The Target with Zyori: “We live in exciting times for eSports"

发布人:天津翻译公司|翻译服务|专业翻译|人工翻译|翻译公司|乐译通翻译     发布日期:2015-07-06     浏览次数:3088次     返回上一页

  The Target is a topic-of-the-day podcast sponsored by 2P and Hitbox and is gifted with the insight of professional players.

  This week's guest is Andrew 'Zyori' Campbell from Beyond the Summit with our host Sebastian “Heflamoke” Läger to lead   the discussion about how he got into casting, entrepreneurship in eSports and the future of the streaming market. 

0:20 Zyori’s own podcast: “I love this kind of content… I’ve always done my podcast to have a platform where I can bitch about the stuff that I can’t talk about on stream. I can’t talk about politics when I’m casting DotA!

1:50 Why Zyori: “I wanted an Asian sounding name because they are good at video games

4:40 Background and education: BSc in Entrepreneurship, practiced casting during time at college, effectively minored in Computer Science and did some programming work

9:00 The road to eSports: degree helped a surprising amount. There are no general majors in eSports at college, but gives you the time to think about what you want to do; the basics of a business degree gave a foundation for Beyond the Summit and the decisions that are made everyday

14:00 The Valve majors: still lots of question marks around them, there is a shifting model from advertising revenue to sponsorship, you have to play a heads-up game as new things are introduced

18:00 How to get to TI as a caster/organisation: nobody knows what Valve’s formula is or even if they have a formula, with 4 TI’s they have the data to know what people like, they probably will continue to play it safe and choose people with a good track record

20:20: Hosting or casting? “I really like hosting, doing interviews and podcasts. I’m an inquisitive person so I like asking people questions. But you can’t count on having enough hosting gigs to make a living

23:00 Thoughts on hosts from agencies: “I don’t think it’s a problem. It is a very competitive space in one of the most competitive areas of eSports

25:00 Zyori the professional traveller: “Give me a window seat on a 12 hour flight and I will not get up once

28:00 The podcast market in DotA: DotA community is very strange when it comes to fantasy leagues, the community has been cursed with a lack of consistent content, for BTS ‘In the Studio’ is a function of cost that was only made possible by 100TB

39:00 The growth of eSports: there is a little bit of overhype, success requires practice and there is a lot of young talent that just needs to practice, the first two years sucked

42:00 The streaming market: Twitch is the big dog, it is a good natural monopoly, they had the first mover advantage and since then it has just grown, YouTube is scary because of their reach

54:00 The community factor: Twitch is cool! The after parties are great and competitors have to recognise this.

58:00 Reddit Questions: Yoga pants or short shorts? Pick a hero? When did you go full eSports?

1:00:00 Wrapping Up: “There is a lot of hard work and luck, but keep trying and you’ll get where you want to go

You can listen to the podcast on Soundcloud and iTunes as well!